It will interest you to know that what many have yearned for overlong, some had it so cheap yet do not want.
Others have paid huge money to Doctors to get that, but all to avail.
The narrative above stems from the fact that a lady was caught red-handed trying to bury her baby who she supposedly killed in a suck bag commomnly known as “GhanaMustGo”.
In the video seen by BROADCASTGHANA on Social media, the already dead baby who might have died due to the suffocation from Ghana Must Go Bag was being carried to be buried by the young girl and her boyfriend in the night.
A young girl who would be in her early 20s has been caught with a newborn baby in a Ghana Must Go bag and it is believed she and her counterpart were going to bury the already dead baby.
Though reports fail to indicate where the incident took place, the mob who caught the young girl and her boyfriend were speaking Twi which means the incident might have happened in the Ashanti Region.
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