Facts About P#enis Every Man and Woman Should Know About, In Order To Get Full Satisfaction -Check Out

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Facts About P#enis Every Man and Woman Should Know About, In Order To Get Full Satisfaction -Check Out

According to Medicalnewstoday, Time has not been kind to the p#enis. Colymbosathon eclectic, which translates to “wonderful swimmer with a huge penis” in Greek, is the arthropod that lays claim to the oldest known penis, which dates back 425 million years.

Anyone taken aback by the ease with which the p#enis can be “activated” should consider the crucial role it plays in the survival of our species. When it comes to having offspring, arousal is preferable to a missed opportunity.

According to author Mokokoma Mokhonoana: “Even the world’s best actor cannot fake an erection.” Now we may go on to today’s first penis fact.


One, Primary erection

Babies often emerge from the womb erect because their pens are developed and ready to go at the birth. Ultrasound images occasionally reveal a fetus with a fully formed erection even before the moment of birth.

A 1991 study found that fetal erections tend to take place during REM sleep. And several times an hour is not uncommon for them to occur. There is no clear explanation, but it could be the body’s attempt to ensure everything is working properly by checking it periodically.


Many people may find comfort in the knowledge that the penis is longer than they appear. Almost half of the total length is contained within the body.
Intra-genital male anatomy.

You might be tempted to say, “Well, it’s no good to me up there,” but keeping it attached to the rest of your anatomy is necessary.
The mass of pink erectile tissue, depicted in the picture above, includes the pompously termed “corpus cavernosum” and “corpus spongiosum,” yet its actual anatomy more closely resembles a boomerang.
Three, Shoe sizes are a fallacy

Let’s put this to bed once and for all. A study from 2002 in the journal BJU InternationalTrusted Source indicates that there is no relationship between shoe size and penis length.

There was some correlation between penile length and both height and foot length in a 1993 study, but the authors concluded that “Height and foot size would not serve as realistic estimators of penis length” because of how weak the correlation was.

The International Journal of Impotence Research (a reputable academic journal) published research in 2006 that explored other links. Penile dimensions were shown to be substantially linked with age, height, and index finger length, but not foot size.

Four, morning wood

The average penile has three to five erections a night, most of them occurring during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The cause of this phenomenon, often known as “nocturnal penile tumescence,” is unknown.

There’s a suggestion that having an erection before bed could assist men to avoid wetting the bed.

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It is well-documented that a full bladder stimulates nerves in the same location as those responsible for erections. Bed-wetting avoidance is probably not the whole solution, though, because persons with vaginas feel something similar – nocturnal clitoral tumescence.

It has also been suggested that REM sleep is associated with the suppression of noradrenaline-producing cells in the brainstem region known as the locus coeruleus.

The penis’s tone is lowered by these cells. As a result, when inhibition is decreased, the penis rises.

Nocturnal erections, for whatever cause they occur, can serve as a useful diagnostic indicator.

If you’re having trouble getting or keeping an erection when awake but not when you’re asleep, it may have a psychological rather than a physical explanation.

Five, One last climax

Now that we know erections can happen in the womb and while sleeping, there’s one more odd place they can happen: at the moment of death.

Angel desire, or a terminal erection, is a phenomenon that occurs in the immediate aftermath of a death.

The majority of cases are found in people who have died by hanging, and researchers speculate that this is because the noose exerts pressure on the cerebellum.

Yet, it has also been documented as a cause of mortality after significant blood vessel damage, poisoning, and head wounds.
The “severe disintegration of the cervical spinal cord” is another possible explanation for the erection.

Six, the penis might split
Very rarely among mammals, the penis contains no bone. Nonetheless, the penis is still vulnerable to being broken.

Although doctors have documented this happening to patients who fell out of bed when engorged, it most usually occurs during intense sex.

When the fibrous covering of the corpora cavernosa (the tissue that stands up when filled with blood) is broken, the result is a penile fracture.

Fractures are typically followed by a loud snap or cracking sound, severe pain, oedema, and, not unexpectedly, a loss of muscle tone at the site of the injury.

Fortunately, this doesn’t happen often, and prompt treatment can often restore full function. Do not let shame rule you if this occurs to you. The sooner you get medical attention, the better.

According to the authors of a study that looked at 42 occurrences of penile fracture, the “most risky” position is “woman on top.”

Few humans with penises can reliably regulate their ejaculatory timing. This could be attributable to the fact that it requires little mental effort.

The spinal ejaculation generator is the trusted source of the ejaculatory signal. Functions are coordinated by this part of the spinal cord.

Although the brain plays a role in these processes (shifting attention elsewhere is a tried-and-true method for postponing the inevitable), the spinal column does the bulk of the work.

Eight, the slant of the dangling

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Any direction is possible for a penile erection to face. There is no right or wrong way to go about it; just keep going in a straight line.
The following information comes from a study that assessed 1,484 erections.

The angles depicted here range from 0 degrees (penis pointing straight up) to 90 degrees (penis pointing forward, horizontally)
degrees Celsius: Just 4.9% of people took part in the study

In the 30s to 60s: Twenty-nine point six percent of those who took the survey
Sixty to eighty-five degrees: Thirty-nine point nine percent (30.9) of those who took part
From 85° to 95°: Proportion of people who took part: 9.9 percent

About 95 to 120 degrees: Just 19.8% of those who took part in the survey
from 120 to 180 degrees Just 4.9% of people took part in the study.

If you’re worried that anything is off with your head, relax.

As we’re discussing the concept of “normalcy,” it’s worth noting that very few penises are straight; they can bend in any way. Up to a 30-degree curvature is still within the normal range.

Nine, Crop or exhibitor

An investigation with 274 men showed that the length of a flaccid penis has no bearing on how big it gets when erected.

The former type is known as a “grower,” whereas the latter type is described as being “big while flaccid and growing only a bit when erect” (a show-er).

Some stay little no matter the level of stimulation, while others balloon to enormous proportions when they’re relaxed. The results are inconsistent.

There may not be many people outside the locker room who care, but knowing this is still helpful.

Ten, Cornflakes inhibit masturbation.

Indeed, they do not. But breakfast cereal innovator Dr John Harvey Kellogg thought they would. He hoped that by creating basic meals like cornflakes, he could steer Americans away from the “sin” of masturbation, and this was the impetus behind the creation of his many successful businesses.

Luckily, food companies no longer devote as much time to trying to persuade young people to stop masturbating. As if there were any uncertainty, it also won’t cause you to lose your eyesight.

If any of these items have piqued your interest, you may want to consider a vacation to Iceland to check out the Icelandic Phallological Museum, which is devoted to penises.

Museum founder Sigurur Hjartarson first became interested in the subject after receiving a bull’s penis as a young boy as a gift.

“Collecting penises is like collecting anything,” Hjartarson says. You can always move forward, never catch up, and upgrade at any time.

In Beijing, there is the Guolizhuang Restaurant that serves up penis and testicles for those who want to go the extra mile. How you decide to proceed depends on you.

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